Supporting Our Military Personnel

Friday, Nov 25, 2011
Staff of Bank-A-Count Corporation and representatives of American Legion Post 485 gathered for a ceremony with family members of 1SG (First Sergeant) Ronald Stoflet to show support for his active duty military service in the Wisconsin Army National Guard.
Ron Stoflet is Manager of Property Management Markets for the Payment Coupon Division of Bank-A-Count when not on active military duty. The company purchased a special "Blue Star Flag" for display at its Rudolph headquarters while 1SG Stoflet is overseas as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Blue Star Flags are a symbol that part of your family or organization is currently deployed overseas. The flags have one star for each person you have serving and are to hang from the time they arrive at their mission destination until the time they are back home safe.
1SG Stoflet has been deployed to Iraq with Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion 120th Field Artillery. Serving alongside the Commander as the 1SG, he will help to lead their Unit through the deployment to complete their mission in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Edited: Friday, May 6, 2016